The stork is a bird from the order of storks.
The scientific name is Ciconiidae.
Various species of storks inhabit the world, except Antarctica.
White stork interesting facts
1. Storks are characterized by the fact that they have a long neck, legs and beak.
2. It’s hard to tell a female from a male.
3. Some storks clap, most do not speak.
4. Previously, storks were herons and ibises.
5. By catching its prey, the stork is able to close its beak in 25 milliseconds. It is one of the fastest reactions among vertebrates.
6. The marabou stork has a wingspan of over 3 meters.
7. In the old days, a saying was popular when you saw a stork flying in spring: “Stork, stork, long nose, bring a baby, I’ll give you a penny”.
8. A stork can build a large nest, the diameter of which can be up to 2 meters. It is a home for many years.
9. These birds travel thousands of kilometers each year to spend 2 months in warm conditions and return back.
10. The longest routes to warm countries are over 10,000 km.
11. The signal to take off is the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. As soon as the day is getting shorter and less sun, it’s time to get ready to escape to warm climates.
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Where did the saying that a stork bring children come from?
In ancient times, children were usually born in spring, just as storks returned from warm countries.
Answer: Marta
Does the stork have a tail?
So the stork has a short tail.
Answer: Marta
How old is a stork living?
Storks live about 20 years.
Answer: Marta
What is the stork?
Storks feed on frogs, fish, insects, small mammals and birds.
Answer: Marta
Where does the stork fly for the winter?
Storks are flying to Africa, those from Western Europe fly through Gibraltar, and from the east through the Bosphorus. Some even fly to South Africa.
Answer: Marta
Where are the storks?
Storks are found all over the world except Antarctica. The most species inhabit Africa and Asia.
Answer: Marta
How much does a stork weigh?
The weight of the heaviest stork comes to 9 kg, and the lightest one barely exceeds 1.3 kg.
Answer: Marta
What size is a stork?
The largest stork is 152 cm tall, and the smallest 75 cm.
Answer: Marta
Why do storks fly to warm countries?
They are guided by instinct encoded in genes. Most likely, it is associated with distant times when storks had to flee to the south before glaciation. When the glacier faded, the birds returned.
Answer: Marta
How do young storks that cannot fly yet receive drinking?
Parents bring water in the goiter (dilatation of the esophagus) and “inject” it into the open mouths of small storks.
Answer: Kasia
Does the stork have a nose?
There are nostrils on the bow. Their location and shape depends on the species of stork.
Answer: Marzenka
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