Ladybug is a species of beetle from the ladybug family.
There are over 6,000 species of ladybug insects (about 80 in Poland).
The scientific name is: Coccinella.
Coccinellidae interesting facts
1. The red ladybug with black dots, which is often found all over Europe, is called the seven-point ladybug.
2. Ladybug is called God’s fudge.
3. Our Polish seven-spot ladybug is in danger of being invaded by the Asian ladybug. Its appearance was recorded in 2006 near Poznań. Currently it has spread all over Poland.
4. The seven-spot ladybug was shipped to North America to help fight aphids.
5. A supermarket called “Biedronka” is very popular in Poland.
6. Ladybugs can fly at speeds of up to 60 km / h.
7. This insect can fly up to 1000 meters.
8. Ladybugs can fly continuously for more than 2 hours.
9. Ladybugs are colored to show that they are distasteful.
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What size is the ladybug?
Ladybugs are 6 to 18 mm long.
Answer: Marta
What is the ladybird eating?
Biedronka feed on herbivorous insects, mainly aphids.
Answer: Marta
Does the number of dots on the wings of a ladybug mean her age?
It is a myth, different species have different number of dots.
Answer: Marta
Where did the name ladybird come from?
Once, spotted cows were called biedrunami. A shepherd (probably very tired :)) seeing a ladybird, associated her appearance with a cow and called her biedrunką (cow).
Answer: Marta
Why do you say “god of fudge” to the ladybug?
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Are all ladybug species red?
No, there are yellow ladybugs with black dots (e.g. powdery mildew), orange, brown, and even gray and hairy (Woolly ladybug).
Answer: Milka
How much does a ladybug live?
Depending on the species, from 3 to 14 months.
Answer: Kasia
How many species of ladybugs are there?
Over 6,000 species of ladybug insects are described.
Answer: Kasia
Is the seven-dot ladybug found only on the European continent?
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What is and what is the purpose of the orange secretion (when I have a ladybug in my hand, it secretes it) from a ladybug?
Concerned larvae or adult beetles excrete a yellow colored hemolymph through the joints of the legs, which has poisonous properties. This is to scare away enemies.
Answer: Magda
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