1. Lemon is a plant species belonging to the rutowatych family.
2. The scientific name is Citrus limon.
Author: AC
3. The lemon comes from the southeast of China. Interestingly, it does not grow there anymore.
4. This fruit is a cross between limy and citron.
5. Lemon grows on a tree, which is 5 to 10 m high.
6. Lemon is an edible, very sour berry.
7. Christopher Columbus brought the lemon to America.
Author: Marta
8. Lemon can be grown at home in a pot.
9. Almost 90% of lemon is water.
10. The largest lemon was grown in Israel in 2003 by Aharon Shemoel. It weighed 5.26 kg.
Author: Alicja
11. When you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, sprinkle its meat with lemon.
12. People who fit the “Knight of the Order of Smile” must drink a cup of lemon juice.
13. The concentration of citric acid in the lemon is about 5%.
Author: Basia
14. In 100 g of lemon there is 64% of the daily requirement for vitamin C.
15. Lemon juice is perfectly suitable for cleaning.
Author: Dosia
16. The text written with lemon juice can be seen only after heating.
17. Annually over 16 million tons of lemons are produced in the world.
Author: edi8
18. Lemon ant produces a formic acid that tastes like lemon.
Author: Regis
19. Lemon juice found on the skin, under the influence of the sun can lead to serious burns. Discoloration can disfigure the body even for many years.
20. On the European continent, lemon first appeared in the south of Italy, in the times of ancient Rome (2nd century BC).
21. Lemon was a salvation for people suffering from scurvy.
22. A variety called “Eureka” is called “four seasons” because it can bear fruit throughout the year.
Author: Ilona
How are the lemons transported?
In order for the lemon to survive a long transport, the picked up is immature and then, when it is to be sold, it undergoes artificial maturing with ethane.
Answer: Marta
How much lemon has calories?
In 100 g of lemon is 29 kcal.
Answer: Marta
How much does a lemon weigh?
The lemon weighs approximately 130 g (80 g of edible part).
Answer: Marta
How much lemon does vitamin C have?
In 100 g of lemon are 53 mg of vitamin C (64% of daily requirement).
Answer: Marta
Is the lemon good for a hangover?
Yes, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in the body after drinking alcohol.
Answer: Marta