1. Aloe comes from the Mediterranean region.
Author: AC
2. Aloe produces gel and latex (it can be found under the skin of the plant – it is yellow). The gel is in the leaves and is transparent.
3. There are 240 varieties of aloe in Europe, Asia, America and Africa.
4. Aloe vera gel consists of 96% water.
5. Aloe contains 75 different vitamins and microelements.
6. Aloe vera can survive in a dry environment for over 100 years.
Author: Paulina
7. It is one of the few plants that contain vitamin B12.
Author: Paulina
8. In the old days bruises and bruises were laid on a cut aloe leaf. Aloe moisturizes and relieves pain and swells.
Author: Laura
Does aloe have antibacterial properties?
Yes, it is an excellent source of saponins, useful compounds with antibacterial properties that effectively fight bacterial, and fungal and viral infections.
Answer: Paulina
What diseases can be treated with aloe?
Aloe gel helps to cure diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, osteoarthritis. It also helps to cure dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, burns and dry skin.
Answer: Paulina
What applications does Aloe have in industry?
Aloe in the industry is used for the production of shampoos, soaps, lotions, etc.
Answer: Paulina