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Capital : Zagreb
Language : Croatian
Currency : Kuna
Population : 4 190 669
Area : 56 594 km2
1. The change from summer to winter time (moving clockwise back one hour) is on the last Sunday in October.
2. 19.3% of fatal accidents were caused by people under the influence of alcohol.
3. This country has more than 1,869,000 motor vehicles (442 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants).
4. The national top-level domain is .hr . There are over 76,730 websites with this extension.
5. The most popular pages with the .hr extension are google.hr, index.hr and jutarnji.hr.
6. In this country there are more than 29 410 km of paved roads including over 1 254 km of express roads (0.05% of all roads in the world).
7. The country has 69 airports, 24 of the paved surface.
8. In this country there are more than 2 722 km of railway tracks.
9. Full name of the country – Republic of Croatia.
10. Political system – the semi-presidential republic.
11. A tie was invented in Croatia.
Geography in Croatia
1. In the Franciscan monastery in the city of Dubrovnik there is the oldest pharmacy in Europe, founded in 1317.
2. The Golden Horn beach (Zlatni Rat) on the island of Brač is considered the most beautiful in Europe.
3. Croatia borders with such countries as: Bosnia and Herzegovina 932 km, Hungary 329 km, Serbia 241 km, Montenegro 25 km, Slovenia 455 km.
4. The country is 5.5 times smaller than Poland.
5. The highest peak is Vrh Dinare – 1831 m above sea level.
6. Danube is the longest river.
7. There are 13261 km2 of agricultural land in Croatia (24% of the country).
8. The highest situated city in the country is Begovo Razdolje.
9. 21374 km2 of the country is covered by forests (38.2%)
82. The nearest capital in a straight line from Zagreb is Ljubljana (Slovenia) – 116 km.
83. The furthest capital in a straight line from Zagreb is Wellington (New Zealand) – 18240 km.
Finance in Croatia
1. The minimum wage is 3 029 kunas per month (data from 2015).
2. The amount of income tax in Croatia is 20%.
3. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 40%, and for companies 18% (2018).
4. The tax on goods and services is 25% (2018).
5. The level of inflation in 2018 is 2.1%.
6. Gross domestic product (GDP) …
– in 2015 it is $ 59 911 000 000 (PLN 256 419 080 000) ,
– in 2018 it is $ 54,850,000,000 (PLN 234,758,000,000).
7. Internal debt at the beginning …
– 2015 of year was 80.6% of GDP, which is about: $ 48 288 266 000 (PLN 206 673 778 480),
– 2018 year was 78% GDP, i.e. around: $ 42 783 000 000 (PLN 183 111 240 000). To pay it back, each citizen would have to give around $ 10,125 (PLN 43,337).
8. Foreign debt at the beginning of …
– 2015 was around: $ 62,090,000,000 ,
– 2018 year is around: $ 56 440 000 000 .
9. The country has 2018 over $19,411,000,000 in foreign exchange reserves (0.13% of foreign exchange reserves of all countries of the world).
Law in Croatia
1. The permissible blood alcohol content in a person driving a car is 0.5 promille.
2. The built-up speed limit is 50 km / h.
3. In addition to built-up areas, the permitted speed on the regular road is 90 km / h, and on highways from 110 to 130 km / h.
4. Retired women can go at the age of 61 and 3 months and men at the age of 65.
5. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 40%, and for companies 18% (2018).
6. The tax on goods and services is 25% (2018).
7. After 23 people under 24 can drive a car only if under the care of a person over 24.
8. You can vote from the age of 16 if you have work. The unemployed have to wait another two years.
9. In this country, men and women can get married at the age of 18.
10. In this country, a person who is 14 years old is subject to criminal liability.
11. In this country, the formalities associated with setting up a business last 45 days.
Education in Croatia
1. In this country, compulsory education lasts 8 years.
2. The beginning of education begins at the age of 7.
3. The average IQ level is 90.
4. In this country there are 0.7% of people above 15 years of age who can not read or write (approximately 29,577 people).
Work in Croatia
1. The minimum wage is 3 029 kunas per month (data from 2015).
2. The tax-free amount is 26 400 kun.
3. In 2018, the average monthly salary in this country is 6,350 kN.
4. The amount of income tax in Croatia is 20%.
5. Retired women can go at the age of 61 and 3 months and men at the age of 65.
6. The unemployment rate in 2018 is 8.6% .
7. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 40%, and for companies 18% (2018).
8. In this country, the formalities associated with setting up a business last 45 days.
9. The work week is 40 hours.
Best in Croatia
1. In the Franciscan monastery in the city of Dubrovnik there is the oldest pharmacy in Europe, founded in 1317.
2. The Golden Horn beach (Zlatni Rat) on the island of Brač is considered the most beautiful in Europe.
3. The most deadly disease in this country is heart failure.
4. In this country there is the smallest city in the world called Hum with 14 inhabitants.
5. The highest peak is Vrh Dinare – 1831 m above sea level.
6. Danube is the longest river.
7. The highest situated city in the country is Begovo Razdolje.
8. In this country, the largest truffle in the world was found, measuring 7.8 cm long, 4.1 cm wide and 5.3 cm high.
9. The lowest temperature: -35.5 °C was measured in Čakovec.
10. The highest temperature: 42.8 °C was measured in Ploče.
Army in Croatia
1. Position in the list of the best armies of the world:
– 2015 year – 45 place,
– 2018 > year – 71 place.
2. There are over 18 520 professional soldiers and 3000 reservists (2018).
3. Number of equipment:
– 2014 year – 92 tanks, 760 > armored vehicles, 65 jet aircraft and 30 helicopters,
– 2018 year – 72 tanks, 574 armored vehicles, 73 jets and 47 helicopters.
4. Army spending:
– 2014 year – $ 1,000,000,000 (PLN 4,280,000,000),
– 2018 year – $ 958,000,000 (PLN 4,100,240,000).
Society in Croatia
1. In Croatia, an average person consumes about 12.2 liters of pure alcohol per year.
2. The most wine is drunk – 44.8%, then beer – 40%, spirit – 15%, and other alcoholic beverages – 0.2%.
3. In 2014, 337 people lost their lives as a result of road accidents.
4. Retired women can go at the age of 61 and 3 months and men at the age of 65.
5. The average IQ level is 90.
6. 24% of adults living in this country are overweight.
7. In this country, women having their first child on average 27.9 years old.
8. On average, women give birth to 1.5 children.
9. In this country, over 3,167,000 (2015) 3 787 838 (2018) people have access to internet (about 90% of the population).
10. Around 1 800 000 (2015) 1 800 000 (2018) accounts on Facebook.
11. The population density is 76 people / km2.
12. The main religion is Catholicism – 87.2%.
14. 2 Croatian citizens received the Nobel Prize.
15. The average age people living in this country is 42.63 years old.
16. The country is around:
– 609 000 people (14.42%) in the age range 0-14 years.
– 2 846 000 people (67.35%) in the age range 15-64 years.
– 770 300 people (18.23%) who are over 65 years old.
17. In this country, about 39 900 children are born annually (0.9% of the population), and about 51,500 people die (1.2% of the population).
18. 217 people in 1000 possess firearms.
19. 59% of the country’s population lives in urban areas.
20. In this country an adult person smokes an average of 135 cigarettes a month.
21. The average life expectancy in this country is 76 years (women – 79.5 years and men – 72.5 years).
Symbols of Croatia
1. The national alcohol is Rakija.
2. The national tree is pedunculate oak.
3. The national animal is a marten forest.
4. The national object in Croatia is a chessboard.
Sport in Croatia
1. The most popular football sport.
History of Croatia
1. Independence from Yugoslavia obtained on June 25, 1991.
2. The country joined the United Nations on May 22, 1992.
3. On 1 April 2009, Croatia joined the political and military organization called NATO.
What is the highest peak in Croatia?
The highest peak in Croatia is Vrh Dinare (1830 m above sea level).
answer: Marta
What is the largest river in Croatia?
The Danube is the largest river in Croatia.
answer: Marta
What Croatia has national colors?
National colors: red, white and blue.
answer: Marta
What is national alcohol?
The national alcohol is rakija.
answer: Marta
What is the national animal?
The national animal is a marten forest.
answer: Marta
Which countries borders Croatia?
Croatia borders with such countries as: Bosnia and Herzegovina 932 km, Hungary 329 km, Serbia 241 km, Montenegro 25 km, Slovenia 455 km.
answer: Marta
What is the average age of people living in this country?
The average age people living in this country is 42.63 years.
answer: Marta
What is the minimum wage?
The minimum wage is 3 029 kunas per month (data from 2015).
answer: Marta
What is the population density in Croatia?
The population density is 75 people per km2.
answer: Marta
What is the highest temperature recorded in this country?
The highest temperature: 42.8 ° C was measured in Ploče.
answer: Marta
What is the lowest temperature recorded in this country?
The lowest temperature: -35.5 ° C was measured in Čakovec.
answer: Marta
With how many years can you legally buy alcohol?
In this country, alcohol can be bought at the age of 18.
answer: Marta