Bats are the only volatile mammals that lead a nocturnal lifestyle.

More than 1,000 species of bats are known.

The scientific name is Chiroptera.

Bats interesting facts

1. They are the only mammals to have wings

Added: Marta

2. Bats rest hanging upside down.

3. The science that studies bats is chiropterology.

4. Typical bats have prominent ears because hearing is their primary sense of orientation in space and for gaining food.

5. Bats’ knee joints are turned backwards, unlike other mammals.

Added: Paulina

6. The bats’ wingspan is up to 170 cm.

7. European species fly at 52-55 km/h.

8. Bats echolocation by sending ultrasounds, which, reflected from obstacles or prey, return as an echo to the ear.

9. Bats are thermophilic animals.

10. Bats live in colonies, thanks to which they stick to each other while sleeping, which reduces heat loss.

Added: Saga

11. In order to survive the winter, despite the lack of food, bats hibernate. Thanks to the reduction in body temperature by more than 30 ° C and a significant slowing down of life activities, they can survive using only subcutaneous fat stores.

12. Bats are born in late spring.

13. It is rare for a female bats to give birth to more than one cub at a time.

14. It has been observed that female bats “help” their partner orally if the poor man is ill during love games.

15. Females of some bats, after autumn mating, keep the male’s sperm in their reproductive tract, and this one retains its viability until spring to fertilize it.

Added: Evka

16. A bat in a hibernation state can survive even more than 180 days.

17. A bat, although it looks disgusting, is useful, it can eat hundreds of mosquitoes in one evening. They prevent the spread of deadly diseases.

18. Bats can be found in attics, cellars, bridges, even in large cities.

19. In a second, they can make over 100 high-frequency sounds that are not heard by humans. Thanks to this, they can move in complete darkness.

20. During hunting, large groups of bats fly as far apart as possible so that there are no collisions in the air with other individuals.

Added: Monia

21. When, for example, a bat shines a flashlight in the face, it covers it with its wing. They have eyes that are very sensitive to light.

22. Up to 95% of the bats’ body surface is made up of wings.

Added: Madam

23. Vampire bats are the largest blood drinkers.

Added: bati

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Bats questions and answers

How long does a bat live?

A bat can live up to 30 years.

Answer: Paulina

How much does a bat weigh?

The bat, depending on the species, can weigh from 1.7g to 1.35kg.

Answer: Paulina

Where are the bats found?

Bats are found on all continents except the polar and desert regions.

Answer: Marta

What do bats eat?

Bats, depending on the species, are insectivores, herbivores or drink nectar. The largest bats eat rodents, fish and reptiles.

Answer: Kasia

Where did the belief that bats are bloodthirsty beasts come from?

There are three known species of bats that actually feed on blood. They mainly attack sleeping cattle and sheep. They can be found in Mexico and South America.

Answer: Kasia

Why do bats fly so strangely (as if they were drunk)?

Bats zigzag to hunt as effectively as possible. Their every move is planned in advance.

Answer: Kasia

Why do bats have such big ears?

In order to be able to pick up the tiniest sounds from reflected objects.

Answer: Kasia

Are the bats blind?

No, bats see no worse than humans.

Answer: Kasia

Are there blood-drinking bats in Poland?

Polish bats eat insects. There are only 3 species of bats in the world that feed on blood. Fortunately, they live far from Poland 🙂

Answer: Monia

What movies did Michael Jackson star in?

The bat is easiest to meet in caves, but also in abandoned attics, cellars, and sewers. Wherever it is dark, damp and scary … 🙂

Answer: Ola

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