Gabriel Narutowicz – Polish engineer, electrician, politician.

He was the first president of the Republic of Poland.

Gabriel Narutowicz interesting facts

1. Gabriel Narutowicz was born 154 years ago. He died 96 years ago (data: May 2019).

Added: Stats

2. Juliam Tuwim wrote the poem “The Funeral of President Narutowicz”.

3. He was murdered by the painter Eligiusz Niewiadomski. He was sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out on January 31, 1923.

Added: Tomasz

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Gabriel Narutowicz questions and answers

Where and when was Gabriel Narutowicz born?

Gabriel Narutowicz was born on March 17, 1865 in the city of Telsze (Lithuania).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Gabriel Narutowicz live?

Gabriel Narutowicz lived to be 57.

Answer: Marta

How tall was Gabriel Narutowicz?

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What sign of the Zodiac was Gabriel Narutowicz from?


Answer: Marta

Where and when did Gabriel Narutowicz die?

Gabriel Narutowicz died on December 16, 1922 in the city of Warsaw (Poland).

Answer: Marta

How did Gabriel Narutowicz die?

He was shot by an assassin during a visit to the “Zachęta” gallery in Warsaw.

Answer: Tomasz

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