fot. Angela George / (CC BY-SA 3.)

Charlie Sheen – American actor, film producer, director, screenwriter.

His real name is: Carlos Irwin Estévez.

Charlie Sheen interesting facts

1. He first appeared on the screen in 1973 at the age of 8 in the movie “Badlands” (playing the boy under the lantern).

2. He has appeared in a total of 57 films and 11 series.

Added: Tomasz

3. In his youth, he was a gifted baseball team pitcher.

4. He was married three times. All these relationships ended in divorce.

5. On May 22, 1998, he was arrested for driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

6. On October 26, 2010, he demolished a room at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, and police found a locked adult film actress (Capri Anderson) in the bathroom. The actor later sued her for trying to extort a million dollars.

7. In November 2015, he announced that he was HIV positive.

Added: KinO

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Charlie Sheen questions and answers

Where and when was Charlie Sheen born?

Charlie Sheen was born on September 3, 1965 in the city of New York (United States).

Answer: Marta

How old is Charlie Sheen?

Charlie Sheen is 53 years old (May 2019).

Answer: Marta

How tall is Charlie Sheen?

Charlie Sheen is about 178 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac is Charlie Sheen from?


Answer: Marta

Why was he not using his real name?

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