Buffalo Bill – hunter, scout, organizer and actor of entertainment shows.

He was a great hero of the Wild West.

His real name is William Frederick Cody.

Buffalo Bill interesting facts

1. Buffalo Bill was born 173 years ago. He died 102 years ago (data: May 2019).

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Buffalo Bill questions and answers

Where and when was Buffalo Bill born?

Buffalo Bill was born on February 26, 1846 in the city of Le Claire, Iowa (United States).

Answer: Marta

Where and when did Buffalo Bill die?

Buffalo Bill died on January 10, 1917 in the city of Denver, Colorado (United States).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Buffalo Bill live?

Buffalo Bill lived in the 1970s.

Answer: Marta

Which Zodiac sign was Buffalo Bill under?


Answer: Marta

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