Andrzej Munk was a Polish director, screenwriter and documentary filmmaker.

During the post-Stalinist period of the Polish People’s Republic, he was considered one of the most influential artists.

Andrzej Munk interesting facts

1. Andrzej Munk was born 97 years ago. He died 57 years ago (data: May 2019).

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2. He comes from a Jewish family.

3. He took part in the Warsaw Uprising.

4. After the war, he was the caretaker of the cable car station to Kasprowy Wierch.

5. He made his first documentary in 1951 – “Direction – Nowa Huta!”.

6. He made his first feature film in 1955 – “The Blue Cross”.

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Andrzej Munk questions and answers

Where and when was Andrzej Munk born?

Andrzej Munk was born on October 16, 1921 in the city of Krakow (Poland).

Answer: Marta

Where and when did Andrzej Munk die?

Andrzej Munk died on September 20, 1961 in the city of Łowicz (Poland).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Andrzej Munk live?

Andrzej Munk lived from the age of 39.

Answer: Marta

Where is Andrzej Munk’s grave?

At the Military Cemetery in Piązki in Warsaw.

Answer: Marek

Which Zodiac sign was Andrzej Munk from?


Answer: Marta

How did Andrzej Munk die?

He died in a car accident.

Answer: Marek

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