Capital : Port Moresby
Language : Hiri Motu, Tok Pisin, Papua New Guinean Sign Language, English
Currency : Papua New Guinean kina
Population : 8 151 300
Area : 462 840 km2
1. 56% of fatal accidents were caused by people under the influence of alcohol.
2. Over 94,300 motor vehicles (12 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants) are registered in this country.
3. The top-level national domain is .pg . There are over 1,810 websites with this extension.
4. The most popular pages with the extension .pg are: postcourier.com.pg, thenational.com.pg and online.net.pg.
5. In this country there are more than 9,349 km of paved roads (0,01% of all roads in the world).
6. The country has 561 airports, 21 of the paved surface.
7. Full name of the country – Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
8. Head of State – Queen Elizabeth II.
Geography in Papua New Guinea
1. Papua New Guinea is one of the most heterogeneous (multi-national) country in the world.
2. It is also the least researched country.
3. Papua New Guinea borders such countries as Indonesia 820 km.
4. The country is 1.5 times larger than Poland.
5. The longest river is Sepik, 1 126 km.
6. The highest peak is Mount Wilhelm, 4509 m above sea level.
7. In Papua New-Guinea there are 11900 km2 of agricultural land (3% of the country).
8. 291588 km2 of the country is covered by forests (64.4%)
9. Wabag is the highest located city in the country.
64. The nearest capital in a straight line from Port Moresby is Honiara (Solomon Islands) – 1403 km.
65. The furthest capital city in a straight line from Port Moresby is Praia (Cape Verde) – 18834 km.
Finance in Papua New Guinea
1. The minimum wage is 3.2 kina per hour (data from 2014).
2. In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 42%, and for companies 30% (2018).
3. The tax on goods and services is 10% (2018).
4. The level of inflation in 2018 is 4.5%.
5. Gross domestic product (GDP) …
– in 2015 it is $ 20 328 000 000 (PLN 87 003 840 000) ,
– in 2018 it is $ 21,090,000,000 (PLN 90,265,200,000).
6. Internal debt at the beginning …
– 2015 of year was 38.8% of GDP, which is about: $ 7 887 264 000 (PLN 33 757 489 920),
– 2018 year was 33.5 % GDP, i.e. around: $ 7,065,150,000 (PLN 30 238 842 000). To pay it back, each citizen would have to give about $ 874 (PLN 3,741).
7. At the beginning of 2015 , foreign debt was around: $ 26,510,000,000 .
8. This country has 2018 over a year $1,688,000,000 in foreign exchange reserves (0.031% of foreign currency reserves of all countries in the world).
9. Papua New-Guinea has 2,000 kg of gold reserves (2018).
Law in Papua New Guinea
1. Built-up speed allowed 60 km / h.
2. Outside the built-up area, the permitted speed is 75 km / h.
3. In this country there is left-hand traffic.
4. In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 42%, and for companies 30% (2018).
5. The tax on goods and services is 10% (2018).
6. In this country, men and women can get married at the age of 21.
7. In this country, the formalities associated with setting up a business last 56 days.
Education in Papua New Guinea
1. The average IQ level is 83.
2. The beginning of education begins at the age of 6.
3. In this country there are 35.8% of people above 15 years of age who can not read or write (approximately 2,893,965 people).
Work in Papua New Guinea
1. The minimum wage is 3.2 kina per hour (data from 2014).
2. The unemployment rate in 2018 is 2.6% .
3. In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 42%, and for companies 30% (2018).
4. In this country, the formalities associated with setting up a business last 56 days.
5. The work week is 44 hours.
Best in Papua New Guinea
1. The most deadly disease in this country is heart failure.
2. There are over 850 native languages.
3. The longest river is Sepik, 1 126 km.
4. The highest peak is Mount Wilhelm, 4509 m above sea level.
5. Wabag is the highest located city in the country.
6. The lowest temperature: -3 °C was measured in Yumbis.
7. The highest temperature: 38.7 °C was measured in Lae.
Society in Papua New Guinea
1. In Papua New-Guinea, an average person consumes about 3 liters of pure alcohol per year.
2. The most beer is beer – 51%, then spirit – 48%, and wine – 1%.
3. In 2013, 248 people lost their lives as a result of road accidents.
4. 65% of the population live on less than 3 $a day.
5. The average IQ level is 83.
6. On average, women give birth to 3.2 children.
7. In this country over 625 000 (2015) 906 695 (2018) people have access to the internet ( around 11% of the population).
8. Around 350,000 (2015) 380,000 (2018) accounts on Facebook.
9. The population density is 13 people / km².
10. The main religion is Protestantism: 67%.
12. The average age people living in this country is 22.6 years old.
13. The country is around:
– 2,785,000 people (34.45%) in the age range 0-14 years.
– 4,971,000 individuals (61.5%) in the 15-64 age range.
– 327 400 people (4.05%) over 65 years old.
14. In this country, about 197,000 children are born each year (2.4% of the population), and about 52.800 people die (0.7% of the population).
15. 12 people out of 1000 possess firearms.
16. 13% of the country’s population lives in urban areas.
17. In this country an adult person smokes an average of 56 cigarettes a month.
18. The average life expectancy in this country is 61.5 years (women – 63.7 years and men – 59.5 years).
Symbols of Papua New Guinea
1. The national animal is dugong.
2. Motto of the country: “Unity in diversity”.
Customs in Papua New Guinea
1. The Korowai tribe builds houses on trees at a height of up to 40 meters above the ground.
2. The tribe also until recently practiced ritual cannibalism.
Sport in Papua New Guinea
1. Unofficial national sport is rugby.
History of Papua New Guinea
1. Independence from Australia was obtained on September 16, 1975.
2. In this country, women have the right to vote since 1964.
Language in Papua New Guinea
1. There are over 850 native languages.
What is the highest peak in Papua New Guinea?
The highest peak in Papua New Guinea is Mount Wilhelm (4509 m above sea level).
answer: Marta
What is the largest river in Papua New Guinea?
The largest river in Papua New-Guinea is Sepik, 1,126 km.
answer: Marta
What is the national animal?
The national animal is dugong.
answer: Marta
What is the national sport?
The national sport is rugby.
answer: Marta
Which countries borders Papua New Guinea?
Papua New-Guinea borders on countries such as Indonesia: 820 km.
answer: Marta
What is the average age of people living in this country?
The average age of people living in this country is 22.6 years.
answer: Marta
What is the minimum wage?
The minimum wage is 3.2 cinemas per hour (data from 2014).
answer: Marta
What is the population density in Papua New Guinea?
The population density is 18 people per km2.
answer: Marta
What is the motto of this country?
Motto of the country: “Unity in diversity”.
answer: Marta
What is the highest temperature recorded in this country?
The highest temperature: 38.7 ° C was measured in Lae.
answer: Marta
What is the lowest temperature recorded in this country?
The lowest temperature: -3 ° C was measured in Yumbis.
answer: Marta
With how many years can you legally buy alcohol?
In this country, alcohol can be bought at the age of 18.
answer: Marta