Capital : Abuja
Language : English
Currency : Naira
Population : 186 987 000
Area : 923 768 km2
1. 1.3% of fatal accidents were caused by people under the influence of alcohol.
2. This country has more than 5,791,000 motor vehicles (32 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants).
3. About half of Nigerians do not have access to any energy source.
4. The national top-level domain is .ng . There are over 33,140 websites with this extension.
5. The most popular pages with the extension .ng are google.com.ng, jumia.com.ng and tribune.com.ng.
6. The country has more than 193 200 km of paved roads (0.3% of all roads in the world).
7. The country has 54 airports, 40 of the paved surface.
8. In this country there are more than 3 528 km of railway tracks.
9. The fertility rate is about 6 children per woman.
10. The cost of living in Abuja is more expensive than the cost of living in London.
11. Full name of the country – Federal Republic of Nigeria.
12. The average temperature is 22 ° C in January and 28 ° C in July.
13. Nigeria has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, according to data from the International Monetary Fund.
Geography in Nigeria
1. The country is three times bigger than Poland.
2. The longest river is Niger.
3. Nigeria borders with such countries as: Benin 773 km, Cameroon 1,690 km, Chad 87 km, Niger 1,497 km.
4. The highest peak is Chappal Waddi 2419 m above sea level.
5. There are 762,000 km2 of agricultural land in Nigeria (84% of the country).
6. Jos is the highest city in the country.
7. 102698 km2 of the country is covered by forests (11.3%)
96. The nearest capital in a straight line from Abuja is Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) – 607 km.
97. The furthest capital city in a straight line from Abuja is Apia (Samoa) – 19478 km.
Finance in Nigeria
1. The minimum wage is 18,000 naira per month (data from 2011).
2. The amount of income tax in Nigeria is 30%.
3. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 24%, and for companies 30% (2018).
4. The tax on goods and services is 5% (2018).
5. The level of inflation in 2018 is 11.1%.
6. Gross domestic product (GDP) …
– in 2015 it is $ 657 218 000 000 (PLN 2 812 893 040 000 ),
– in 2018 it is $ 376,000,000,000 (PLN 1,609,280,000,000).
7. Internal debt at the beginning …
– 2015 of year was 10.5% of GDP, which is about: $ 69 007 890 000 (PLN 295 353 769 200),
– 2018 year was 21.3 % GDP, i.e. around: $ 80,088,000,000 (PLN 342 776 640 000). To pay it back, each citizen would have to give about $ 440 (PLN 1,881).
8. Foreign debt at the beginning of …
– 2015 was around: $ 20,930,000,000 ,
– 2018 year is around: $ 22,722,000,000 .
9. This country has 2018 over year $47,250,000,000 in foreign exchange reserves (0.25% of foreign exchange reserves of all countries of the world).
10. Nigeria has 21400 kg of gold reserves (2018).
Law in Nigeria
1. Built-up speed allowed is 40 km / h.
2. Outside built-up areas, the permitted speed on the usual road is 80 km / h, and on highways 120 km / h.
3. The permissible blood alcohol content of a person driving a car is 0.8 per mille.
4. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 24%, and for companies 30% (2018).
5. The tax on goods and services is 5% (2018).
6. They have an unjust right, and even the death penalty can be waived for a small theft of an ordinary citizen, and only a few months’ imprisonment for the theft of billions by powerful people.
7. In this country, depending on the region of residence, men and women can get married at the age of 18-21.
8. In this country, a person who is 7 years old is subject to criminal liability.
9. In this country, formalities related to the establishment of the company last 43 days.
10. In 2016, death penalty was imposed on three people.
Education in Nigeria
1. In this country, compulsory education lasts 9 years.
2. The beginning of education begins at the age of 6.
3. The average IQ level is 84.
4. In this country there are 40.4% of people above 15 years of age who can not read or write (approximately 73 609 608 people).
5. There are 31 universities in Nigeria.
6. Although the illiteracy rate is around 50 percent (one of the highest in Africa), the goal of Nigeria is to eliminate it in the shortest possible time.
Work in Nigeria
1. The minimum wage is 18,000 naira per month (data from 2011).
2. The amount of income tax in Nigeria is 30%.
3. The unemployment rate in 2018 is 18.8% .
4. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 24%, and for companies 30% (2018).
5. In this country, formalities related to the establishment of the company last 43 days.
6. The work week is 40 hours.
Best in Nigeria
1. The tallest building in the country is the radio mast in Abeokuta with a height of 321.5 meters.
2. The most deadly disease in this country is HIV / AIDS.
3. The most popular musical instrument is the drum.
4. Nigeria has the potential to be the most powerful country in the world.
5. Nigeria has the largest number of musicians in the world.
6. The longest river is Niger.
7. The highest peak is Chappal Waddi 2419 m above sea level.
8. Jos is the highest city in the country.
9. Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa.
10. Nollywood is the term used to describe the Nigerian film industry, the third most popular in the world behind Hollywood and Bollywood.
11. Nigeria has the highest birth rate for twins in the world.
12. The Nigerian press has the greatest freedom of speech from African countries.
13. Nigeria is a world leader in the field of peace operations.
14. The lowest temperature: 2.8 °C was measured at Potiskum.
15. The highest temperature: 46.4 °C was measured in Yola.
Army in Nigeria
1. On January 27, 2002, an accidental explosion of military explosives occurred. which caused a big fire. who killed over 1,100 people
2. Position in the list of the best armies of the world:
– 2015 year – 46 place,
– 2018 > year – 42 place.
3. There are over 124,000 professional soldiers and 57,000 reservists (2018).
4. Number of equipment:
– 2014 year – 360 tanks, 1450 > armored vehicles, 95 jet aircraft and 35 helicopters,
– 2018 year – 148 tanks, 1420 armored vehicles, 122 jet aircraft and 42 helicopters.
5. Army expenditure:
– 2014 year – $ 2,300,000,000 (PLN 9,844,000,000),
– 2018 year – $ 2,330,000,000 (PLN 9,972,400,000).
6. The naval fleet …
– in 2014 there were about ships, in 2018 it was about ships.
Society in Nigeria
1. 5 Nigerians have accumulated assets greater than one billion US dollars.
2. In Nigeria, obesity is associated with wealth and abundance.
3. In Nigeria, an average adult consumes about 10.1 liters of pure alcohol a year.
4. The most beer is beer – 8%, then spirit – 1%, wine – 0.4%, and other alcoholic beverages – 90.6%.
5. In 2013, 6,450 people lost their lives as a result of road accidents.
6. 8% of the population suffer from malnourishment (around 14 580 000 people).
7. 76.5% of the population live on less than 3 $a day.
8. The average IQ level is 84.
9. There are over 370 recognized tribes in Nigeria.
10. In this country, women having their first child on average 20.3 years old.
11. On average, a woman gives birth to 5.2 children.
12. In this country, over 92 699 000 (2015) 98 339 456 (2018) people have access to internet (about 53% of the population).
13. About 15,000,000 (2015) 17 000 000 (2018) accounts on Facebook.
14. The population density is 185 people / km2.
15. The main religion is Protestantism, 41%.
17. The average age people living in this country is 18.2 years old.
18. In this country there are around:
– 80 424 000 people (43.01%) in the age range 0-14 years.
– 100 749 000 people (53.88%) in the age range 15-64 years.
– 5 815 300 people (3.11%) over 65 years old.
19. In this country, about 7,038,000 children are born each year (3.8% of the population), and about 2 410 000 people die (1.3% of the population).
20. 15 people out of 1000 possess firearms.
21. 47% of the country’s population lives in urban areas.
22. In this country an adult person smokes an average of 10 cigarettes a month.
23. The average life expectancy in this country is 50.3 years (women – 51 years and men – 49.5 years).
Symbols of Nigeria
1. Motto of the country – “Peace and unity, strength and progress”.
Sport in Nigeria
1. In 1967, during the civil war, both sides of the conflict agreed to a 48-hour ceasefire to watch the game of Brazilian footballer Pele.
History of Nigeria
1. Left-sided traffic was in force until April 1, 1972.
2. On January 27, 2002, an accidental explosion of military explosives occurred. which caused a big fire. who killed over 1,100 people
3. In 1967, during the civil war, both sides of the conflict agreed to a 48-hour ceasefire to watch the game of Brazilian footballer Pele.
4. Independence from Great Britain was obtained on October 1, 1960.
5. In this country, women have the right to vote since 1958.
6. The country joined the United Nations on October 7, 1960.
7. In this country diesel was discovered in 1956.
Language in Nigeria
1. In 1986, Wole Soyinka received the Nobel Prize in Literature,
2. There are approximately 521 languages spoken in Nigeria. This number includes 510 living languages, two second languages, and nine extinct languages.
What is the highest mountain in Nigeria?
The highest peak in Nigeria is Chappal Waddi (2419 m above sea level).
answer: Marta
What is the largest river in Nigeria?
Niger is the largest river in Nigeria.
answer: Marta
What Nigeria has national colors?
National colors: green and white.
answer: Marta
What countries borders Nigeria?
Nigeria borders with such countries as: Benin 773 km, Cameroon 1 690 km, Chad 87 km, Niger 1 497 km.
answer: Marta
What is the average age of people living in this country?
The average age of people living in this country is 18.2 years.
answer: Marta
What is the minimum wage?
The minimum wage is 18,000 naira per month (data from 2011).
answer: Marta
What is the population density in Nigeria?
The population density is 205 people per km2.
answer: Marta
What is the motto of this country?
Motto of the country – “Peace and unity, strength and progress”.
answer: Marta
What is the highest temperature recorded in this country?
The highest temperature: 46.4 ° C was measured in Yola.
answer: Marta
What is the lowest temperature recorded in this country?
The lowest temperature: 2.8 ° C was measured at Potiskum.
answer: Marta
With how many years can you legally buy alcohol?
In this country, alcohol can be bought at the age of 18.
answer: Marta