Capital : Naypyidaw
Language : Burmese
Currency : Kyat
Population : 54 635 000
Area : 676 578 km2
1. Over 4,310,000 motor vehicles (78 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants) are registered in this country.
2. The national top-level domain is .mm . There are over 3,500 websites with this extension.
3. The most popular pages with the extension .mm are: president-office.gov.mm, planet.com.mm and ads.com.mm.
4. In this country there are more than 34 377 km of paved roads including over 358 km of express roads (0.05% of all roads in the world).
5. The country has 64 airports, 36 of the paved surface.
6. In this country there are more than 5 031 km of railway tracks.
7. Full name of the country – Union of Burma.
8. Political system – presidential republic.
9. The average temperature is 25 ° C in January and 27 ° C in July.
10. In 1991, Aung San Suu Kyi received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Geography in Myanmar
1. On May 2, 2008, the country went through a cyclone. who killed over 138,000 people.
2. The country is 2.2 times bigger than Poland.
3. Myanmar borders on such countries as: Bangladesh 193 km, China 2,185 km, India 1,463 km, Laos 235 km, Thailand 1,800 km.
4. The longest river is Irawadi.
5. The highest peak is Kagaboyazi, 5881 m above sea level.
6. In Myanmar there are 125580 km2 of agricultural land (19% of the country’s area).
7. 312892 km2 of the country is covered by forests (47.9%)
8. Taunggyi is the highest located city in the country.
70. The nearest capital in a straight line from Naypyidaw is Vientiane (Laos) – 710 km.
71. The furthest capital in a straight line from Naypyidaw is Lima (Peru) – 18890 km.
Finance in Myanmar
1. The minimum wage is 3,600 kyat per day (data from 2015).
2. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 25%, and for companies 25% (2018).
3. The tax on goods and services is 5% (2018).
4. The level of inflation in 2018 is 6.4%.
5. Gross domestic product (GDP) …
– in 2015 it is $ 73 620 000 000 (PLN 315 093 600 000) ,
– in 2018 it is $ 69 320 000 000 (PLN 296 689 600 000).
6. Internal debt at the beginning of …
– 2015 was 39.7% of GDP, which is about: $ 29 227 140 000 (125 092 159 200 PLN),
– 2018 year was 36.7 % GDP, i.e. around: $ 25,440,440,000 (PLN 108 885 083 200). To pay it back, each citizen would have to give about $ 462 (PLN 1,978).
7. At the beginning of 2015 , foreign debt was around: $ 5,448,000,000 .
8. The country has over $8 727 000 000 of foreign exchange reserves (0.074% of foreign currency reserves of all countries in the world).
9. Myanmar has 7300 kg of gold reserves (2018).
Law in Myanmar
1. Built-up speed allowed 48 km / h.
2. The permissible blood alcohol content of a person driving a car is 0.8 per mille.
3. Outside the built-up area, the permitted speed is 80 km / h.
4. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 25%, and for companies 25% (2018).
5. The tax on goods and services is 5% (2018).
6. In cinemas it is forbidden to play movies in which yellow and red predominate. In 2007, among others The broadcast of the full-length film “Simpsons” was forbidden.
7. In Myanmar, adulthood is reached at the age of 16.
8. In this country, women can get married at the age of 18, and for men there is no fixed limit.
9. In this country, a person who is 7 years old is subject to criminal liability.
10. The last death penalty was made in 1993.
Education in Myanmar
1. In this country, compulsory education lasts 5 years.
2. The beginning of education begins at the age of 5.
3. The average IQ level is 87.
4. In this country there are 6.9% of people above 15 years of age who can not read or write (approximately 3,798,702 people).
Work in Myanmar
1. The minimum wage is 3,600 kyat per day (data from 2015).
2. The unemployment rate in 2018 is 0.8% .
3. In this country, the amount of income tax for natural persons is 25%, and for companies 25% (2018).
4. The work week is 44 hours.
Best in Myanmar
1. The most deadly disease in this country is tuberculosis.
2. The longest river is Irawadi.
3. The highest peak is Kagaboyazi, 5881 m above sea level.
4. Taunggyi is the highest located city in the country.
5. The lowest temperature: -6 °C was measured in Hakha.
6. The highest temperature: 47.0 °C was measured in Myinma.
Army in Myanmar
1. Myanmar ranks 34th in the best world armies.
2. Number of soldiers:
– 2014 year – professional and reservists ,
– 2018 year – 406,000 professional and 110,000 > reservists.
3. Number of equipment:
– 2018 year – 592 tanks, 1358 > armored vehicles, 262 jet aircraft and 86 helicopters.
4. The army in 2018 was assigned over 2,400,000,000 dollars.
5. The naval fleet consists of over 151 ships (2018).
Society in Myanmar
1. In Myanmar, an average person consumes about 0.7 liters of pure alcohol per year.
2. The most beer is beer – 83%, then spirit – 11%, and wine – 6%.
3. In 2013, 3,612 people lost their lives due to traffic accidents.
4. 17% of the population suffer from malnourishment (around 9 360 000 people).
5. The average IQ level is 87.
6. In this country, women having their first child on average 21.8 years old.
7. On average, a woman gives birth to 2.2 children.
8. In this country over 7 130 000 (2015) 18 000 000 (2018) people have access to internet (about 33% of the population).
9. About 6,980,000 (2015) 16,000,000 (2018) accounts on Facebook.
10. The population density is 92 people / km2.
11. The main religion is Buddhism, 83%.
13. The average age of people living in this country is 28.3 years.
14. In this country there are about:
– 14 172 000 people (26.07%) in the age range 0-14 years.
– 37,277,000 people (68.57%) in the age range 15-64 years.
– 2 913 900 people (5.36%) over 65 years old.
15. In this country, about 1,000,000 children are born each year (1.8% of the population), and about 433,000 people die (0.8% of the population).
16. 29% of the country’s population lives in urban areas.
17. In this country an adult person smokes an average of 16 cigarettes a month.
18. The average life expectancy in this country is 63.5 years (women – 65 years and men – 62.1 years).
History of Myanmar
1. Left-sided traffic was in force until 1970.
2. On May 2, 2008, the country went through a cyclone. who killed over 138,000 people.
3. Independence from Great Britain was obtained on January 4, 1948.
4. In this country, women have the right to vote since 1922.
5. He joined the United Nations on April 19, 1948.
What is the highest peak in Myanmar?
The highest peak in Myanmar is Hkakabo Razi (5881 m above sea level).
answer: Marta
What is the largest river in Myanmar?
The largest river in Myanmar is the Irawadi.
answer: Marta
What Myanmar has national colors?
National colors: yellow, green, red and white.
answer: Marta
Which countries borders Myanmar?
Myanmar is bordered by such countries as: Bangladesh 193 km, China 2,185 km, India 1,463 km, Laos 235 km, Thailand 1,800 km.
answer: Marta
What is the average age of people living in this country?
The average age of people living in this country is 28.3 years.
answer: Marta
What is the minimum wage?
The minimum wage is 3,600 kyat per day (data from 2015).
answer: Marta
What is the population density in Myanmar?
The population density is 83 people per km2.
answer: Marta
What is the highest temperature recorded in this country?
The highest temperature: 47 ° C was measured in Myinmu.
answer: Marta
What is the lowest temperature recorded in this country?
The lowest temperature: -6 ° C was measured in Hakha.
answer: Marta