Capital : Tehran
Language : Persian
Currency : Rial
Population : 79 688 900
Area : 1 648 195 km2
1. The change from summer to winter time (moving clockwise back one hour) is on the night from 21 to 22 September.
2. This country has more than 26,866,000 motor vehicles (341 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants).
3. The national top-level domain is .ir . There are over 297 800 websites with this extension.
4. The most popular pages with the .ir extension are: persianblog.ir, peyvandha.ir and tabnak.ir.
5. In this country there are over 214,006 km of paved roads, including over 2,361 km of expressways (0.33% of all roads in the world).
6. The country has 319 airports, 140 of the paved surface.
7. In this country there are more than 8 442 km of railway tracks.
8. There are metro lines in five Iranian cities.
9. Senior Iranian priest Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi claims that women who wear scant dresses and behave in a promiscuous manner are guilty of earthquakes.
10. The Iranian organization offered a prize of $ 3 million to anyone who killed Salman Rushdi, the author of “Satanic Verses,” who in this book questioned the truthfulness of the Koran.
11. Some call yogurt Persian milk. They believe that it has healing properties, use it for ulcers, sunburns, also covers the faces.
12. In 2012, Iranian police announced that the GOOGLE search engine is a spy tool.
13. The Iranian government wants to create a “National Internet” that would be under state control.
14. Full name of the country – Islamic Republic of Iran.
15. Political system – Islamic republic
Geography in Iran
1. In February 1972. the snowstorm and its very low temperature during the week led to the death of over 4,000 people.
2. The lowest situated place in the country is the Caspian Sea – 28 m.p.p.
3. Iran borders with such countries as: Afghanistan 936 km, Armenia 35 km, Azerbaijan 611 km, Iraq 1,458 km, Pakistan 909 km, Turkey 499 km, Turkmenistan 992 km.
4. The country is 5.1 times bigger than Poland.
5. The highest peak is Demawend, 5610 m above sea level.
6. The longest river is Karun.
7. In Iran there are 489570 km2 of agricultural land (32% of the country).
8. Fereydunshahr is the highest town in the country.
110. The nearest capital in a straight line from Tehran is Baku (Azerbaijan) – 537 km.
111. The furthest capital city in a straight line from Tehran is Nukuʻalofa (Tonga) – 15228 km.
Finance in Iran
1. The minimum wage is 7 120 000 rials per month, working on average 44 hours a week (data from 2014).
2. The amount of income tax in Iran is 25%.
3. In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 35%, and for companies 25% (2018).
4. The tax on goods and services is 9% (2018).
5. The level of inflation in 2018 is 18%.
6. Gross domestic product (GDP) …
– in 2015 it is $ 417 269 000 000 (PLN 1 785 911 320 000 ),
– in 2018 it is $ 440,000,000,000 (PLN 1,883,200,000,000).
7. Internal debt at the beginning …
– 2015 of year was 16.4% of GDP, which is about: $ 68 432 116 000 (PLN 292 889 456 480),
– 2018 year was 32.1 % GDP, i.e. around: $ 141 240,000,000 (PLN 604,507,200,000). To pay it back, each citizen would have to give about $ 1,790 (PLN 7,662).
8. At the beginning of 2015 , foreign debt was around: $ 6,922,000,000 .
9. The percentage share in the global economy of Iran in 2015 is 0.54% (for comparison, Poland’s share is 0.74%, and the United States – 23.32%).
10. The country has over $110,000,000,000 in foreign exchange reserves (0.94% of foreign currency reserves of all countries in the world).
Law in Iran
1. In Iran, it is forbidden to take dogs for a walk. They can not be transported by car.
2. The built-up speed limit is 50 km / h.
3. Outside of built-up areas, the permitted speed ranges from 70 to 120 km / h.
4. Zero tolerance for drivers driving a car “by glass”. You must have 0.0 promil.
5. In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 35%, and for companies 25% (2018).
6. The tax on goods and services is 9% (2018).
7. You can not have satellite TV, and everyone has it anyway. The situation is similar with Facebook. Despite the bans, almost every young Iranian has a profile.
8. Hair must cover all women, even women, with kerchiefs.
9. Iranian women in Tehran often break all orders. They walk with the boys by the hand, they have loosely dropped hair scarves, they use sexy make-up, etc. They assume that the police will not be able to arrest everyone anyway.
10. Women who are detained by the police have to pick up their parents, even when they are of legal age.
11. Heels are considered by the authorities to be a “satanic invention”.
12. According to an unwritten rule, the state does not interfere in matters behind closed doors, so illegally imported alcohol is poured over the “houses” of liters.
13. More and more young Iranians are moving away from the imposed faith. They even choose atheism forbidden in this country.
14. In Iran, adulthood is reached at the age of 15.
15. It is absolutely forbidden to photograph military objects.
16. If a girl is harassed or harassed, her mother is punished because she is considered to have raised her daughter badly.
17. Girls can get married from the age of 13, and guys from 15.
18. In city buses, men and women sit separately, also in schools the division is valid.
19. In this country, women can get married at the age of 15, and men aged 18.
20. In this country, you can not read the newspapers in the toilets, because it can contain a “holy word” or a picture of the Imam.
21. In this country, a person of 9 years is subject to criminal liability.
22. In this country, the formalities associated with setting up a business last for 47 days.
23. In 2016, death penalty was imposed on over 560 people.
24. There is the death penalty for promoting pornography.
25. The government pays for ceremonies for group weddings. This is to encourage young people to marry.
26. Polygamy is legal in Iran, men can marry four women.
Education in Iran
1. In this country, compulsory education lasts 8 years.
2. The beginning of education begins at the age of 6.
3. The average IQ level is 84.
4. More women than men participate in Iranian schools.
5. In this country there are 13.2% of people above 15 years of age who can not read or write (approximately 10,411,995 people).
Work in Iran
1. The minimum wage is 7 120 000 rials per month, working on average 44 hours a week (data from 2014).
2. The amount of income tax in Iran is 25%.
3. The unemployment rate in 2018 is 12.1% .
4. In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 35%, and for companies 25% (2018).
5. In this country, the formalities associated with setting up a business last for 47 days.
Best in Iran
1. The lowest situated place in the country is the Caspian Sea – 28 m.p.p.
2. The most deadly disease in this country is heart failure.
3. Iran is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world.
4. The highest peak is Demawend, 5610 m above sea level.
5. The longest river is Karun.
6. Fereydunshahr is the highest town in the country.
7. The lowest temperature: -36 °C was measured in Saghghez.
8. The highest temperature: 53 °C was measured in Dehloran.
Army in Iran
1. As early as the 6th century BC played in Polo. It was a form of training for cavalry.
2. Position in the list of the best armies of the world:
– 2015 year – 21 place,
– 2018 > year – 13 place.
3. There are over 534,000 professional soldiers and 400,000 reservists (2018).
4. Amount of equipment:
– 2014 year – 2400 tanks, 1500 > armored vehicles, 480 jet aircraft and 120 helicopters,
– 2018 year – 1650 tanks, 2215 armored vehicles, 502 jet aircraft and 145 helicopters.
5. Army expenditure:
– 2014 year – $ 6,000,000,000 (PLN 25,680,000,000),
– 2018 year – $ 6,300,000,000 (PLN 26,964,000,000).
6. The naval fleet …
– in 2014 there were about 195 ships, in 2018 it was about < strong style = "color: green;"> 217 ships.
Society in Iran
1. In Iran, an average person consumes about 1 liter of pure alcohol per year.
2. In 2014, 18 847 people lost their lives as a result of traffic accidents.
3. 4% of the population suffer from malnourishment (around 3,160,000 people).
4. The average IQ level is 84.
5. The Iranians constitute only half of the country’s population. The Azeri are the largest minority.
6. Hair must cover all women, even women, with kerchiefs.
7. Women are very ambitious, they also hold high positions in the parliament.
8. Women who are detained by the police have to pick up their parents, even when they are of legal age.
9. Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, this country is very hospitable and friendly.
10. Residents are willing to provide help regardless of the tourist’s nationality. For them, a guest is a sanctity, a window to the world.
11. On average, a woman gives birth to 1.8 children.
12. In this country over 46 800 000 (2015) 56 700 000 (2018) people have access to internet (approximately 72% of the population).
13. The population density is 46 people / km2.
14. The main religion is Islam 99.5%.
16. 2 Iranian citizens received the Nobel Prize.
17. The average age people living in this country is 28.8 years old.
18. In this country there are about:
– 18,724,000 people (23.69%) in the age range 0-14 years.
– 56 141 000 people (71.03%) in the age range 15-64 years.
– 4,173,200 people (5.28%) over 65 years old.
19. In this country, about 1 422 000 children are born each year (1.8% of the population), and about 469,000 people die (0.6% of the population).
20. 73 people out of 1000 possess firearms.
21. 67% of the country’s population lives in urban areas.
22. About 70% of the Iranian population is under the age of 30.
23. In this country an adult person smokes an average of 55 cigarettes a month.
24. The average life expectancy in this country is 72.1 years (women – 73.9 years and men – 70.3 years).
Symbols of Iran
1. The national alcohol is anise.
2. The national tree is cedar.
3. National animals are the marsh crocodile.
4. The national fruit is a pomegranate.
5. Motto of the country – “Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic”.
Customs in Iran
1. In most homes there are no tables or chairs. People eat meals while sitting on pillows on the floor.
2. The government pays for ceremonies for group weddings. This is to encourage young people to marry.
Sport in Iran
1. The most popular sport is football.
2. As early as the 6th century BC played in Polo. It was a form of training for cavalry.
History of Iran
1. In February 1972. the snowstorm and its very low temperature during the week led to the death of over 4,000 people.
2. The Polish fairy tale “Bolek and Lolek” as the only European production was broadcast in Iran after the Islamic revolution in 1979.
3. For 2,500 years, Iranians have been engaged in carpet weaving. Although they have come to perfection in this, they often deliberately make the mistake of explaining that only God is infallible.
4. Iran is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world.
5. The proclamation of the Islamic Republic of Iran took place on April 1, 1979.
6. Motto of the country – “Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic”.
7. In Iran, archaeologists have discovered beer over 5,000 years old.
8. In this country, women have the right to vote since 1963.
9. The country joined the UN on October 24, 1945.
10. As early as the 6th century BC played in Polo. It was a form of training for cavalry.
What is the highest peak in Iran?
The highest peak in Iran is Demawend (5610 m above sea level).
answer: Marta
What is the largest river in Iran?
The largest river in Iran is Karun.
answer: Marta
What Iran has national colors?
National colors: green, white and red.
answer: Marta
What is national alcohol?
The national alcohol is anise.
answer: Marta
What is the national animal?
The national animal is a marsh crocodile.
answer: Marta
What is the national sport?
The national sport is Varzesh-e and Bastani.
answer: Marta
Which countries borders Iran?
Iran borders with such countries as: Afghanistan 936 km, Armenia 35 km, Azerbaijan 611 km, Iraq 1 458 km, Pakistan 909 km, Turkey 499 km, Turkmenistan 992 km.
answer: Marta
What is the average age of people living in this country?
The average age of people living in this country is 28.8 years.
answer: Marta
What is the minimum wage?
The minimum wage is 7 120 000 rials per month, working on average 44 hours a week (data from 2014).
answer: Marta
What is the population density in Iran?
The population density is 52 people per km2.
answer: Marta
What is the motto of this country?
Motto of the country – “Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic”.
answer: Marta
What is the highest temperature recorded in this country?
The highest temperature: 53 ° C was measured in Dehloran.
answer: Marta
What is the lowest temperature recorded in this country?
The lowest temperature: -36 ° C was measured in Saghghez.
answer: Marta
With how many years can you legally buy alcohol?
In this country, alcohol consumption is illegal.
answer: Marta