It is the end of the season for riders, and the beginning of the autumn-winter hunting season for hunters.
On November 3, 2017, the Hubertus festival takes place – the festival of hunters, foresters and riders.
Hubertus interesting facts
1. This holiday was celebrated for the first time in 1444.
2. In Polish forests there are chapels of Saint Hubert, where masses are celebrated that day.
3. Ignacy Mościcki on November 3, 1930 in Spała organized the first great hunting in the times of the Second Polish Republic.
4. Live animals are not hunted on Hubertus.
5. Great Britain is a country where hunting is organized to this day, very similar to the original Hubertus.
Added: MR
6. There are special routes with various obstacles that can be overcome by horses and hunting dogs. They are about 20 km long.
Added: MR
7. Since 1444, the Order of Saint Hubert has been awarded for special merits for the hunting culture.
8. Saint Hubert’s remains are currently in the main altar of the Basilica of St. Hubert in Saint-Hubert, Luxembourg.
9. Saint Hubert is also the patron of foresters, shooters, athletes, dust collectors, mathematicians, sleepwalkers and people suffering from epilepsy.
10. The second patron saint of hunters is Saint Eustace.
11. The Polish Hunting Association has existed since 1923.
Added: Żubr
12. There are over 2,500 hunting clubs in Poland, with over 120,000 hunters enrolled in them.
13. About 870,000 deer, 700,000 hares, 520,000 pheasants, 280,000 partridges, 260,000 wild boars and 215,000 deer, 200,000 foxes, 28,000 fallow deer and 19,000 elk live in Poland.
Added: PZŁ
14. From March to May, in the old days, there were spring drake hunts.
Added: Asia
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Hubertus questions and answers
Why is the hunting festival called Hubertus?
The name comes from the patron saint of hunters and riders – Saint Hubert.
Answer: Żubr
Since when is the hunting feast in Poland?
This custom was introduced to Poland by the dynasty of Saxon rulers in the 18th century.
Answer: Żubr
How do hunters and riders celebrate Hubertus’ day?
At the beginning there is a holy mass for hunters, then a ceremonial hunt according to historical traditions. The riders take part in the game of “chasing the fox”, and on the blanket by the fire, bigos and tinctures are served.
Answer: Żubr
What is chasing a fox?
It is a race in which riders participate. One of them has a fox tail attached to his left arm and is running away from the others. Whoever tears off the fox’s tail has the right to make a round of honor around the place of the race and in a year’s time he will play the role of a fox.
Answer: Żubr
How are lemons transported?
This holiday is celebrated mainly in Poland, Germany, Ireland and Great Britain.
Answer: Żubr
Can everyone take part in this holiday?
Permission to participate is required, and payment of the prescribed fee is required. You also need to be properly prepared for this: teach your horse to gallop at the right distance from other riders, jump over obstacles, ride on water, etc. You also have to be ready for any emergency conditions, have appropriate clothing, a saddle.
Answer: Żubr
Why is Saint Hubert the patron saint of hunters?
Hubert spent most of his life hunting in the forest. Even on Good Friday he went hunting in the Ardennes Mountains, where he saw a white deer with a cross shining among the antlers. He then converted to Christianity. He became the patron of hunters due to his enormous passion for hunting.
Answer: Żubr
Why is Hubertus festival November 3?
On November 3, 743, the body of Saint Hubert was transferred to the main altar in the church of Saint. Peter in Liege. On November 3, the relics of Saint Hubert were also consecrated.
Answer: Żubr
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