Gorzów Wielkopolski is a city with poviat rights in the Lubuskie Province.

Geographic coordinates: 52 ° 43′51 ″ N 15 ° 14′18 ″ E

Gorzów Wielkopolski interesting facts

1. The lowest point in Gorzów Wielkopolski is at 19 m above sea level. The highest one, on the other hand, rises to 82 m above sea level.

Added: Maron

2. In 2018, Gorzów Wielkopolski was inhabited by about 3.7 times more inhabitants than in 1900.

Added: HistEryk

3. Since 1899, there are trams in the city (currently the track is about 24 km long).

Added: Motorniczy

4. The original name of this city was Landsberg an der Warthe. The word “Gorzów” began to be used after World War II.

5. The main river flowing through Gorzów Wielkopolski is the Warta.

Added: Rebba

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Gorzów Wielkopolski questions and answers

When was Gorzów Wielkopolski founded? Since when does it have city rights?

Gorzów Wielkopolski was founded in 1257. It has city rights since July 2, 1257.

Answer: Maron

What registration plates do vehicles registered in Gorzów Wielkopolski have?

The number on the license plates starts with FG.

Answer: Maron

How does the postal code in Gorzów Wielkopolski begin?

The zip code starts with 66-xxx.

Answer: Maron

What is the area code?

Gorzów Wielkopolski has the area code (+48) 95.

Answer: Maron

How has the number of inhabitants in Gorzów Wielkopolski changed over the years?

– 1900 – 33,600 inhabitants,
– 1950 – 32 825 inhabitants,
– 1960 – 58 671 inhabitants,
– 1970 – 74 782 inhabitants,
– 2000 – 126 019 inhabitants,
– 2007 – 125 411 inhabitants,
– 2018 – 124295

Answer: Maron

What is the area of Gorzów Wielkopolski?

Gorzów Wielkopolski covers 85.72 km².

Answer: Maron

How many people live in Gorzów Wielkopolski?

At the beginning of 2018, about 124,290 people lived in Gorzów Wielkopolski.

Answer: Maron

What is the population density in Gorzów Wielkopolski?

The population density in Gorzów Wielkopolski is 1,450 people per km².

Answer: Maron

What is the largest river in Gorzów Wielkopolski?

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What is worth seeing in Gorzów Wielkopolski?

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