DPD is a shipping company with a global reach.
It was founded in Germany in 1976.
The full name is DPD Dynamic Parcel Distribution GmbH & Co. KG.
DPD interesting facts
1. DPD is owned by the French state-owned GeoPost holding (83.32% of shares).
2. DPD employs over 38,000 employees.
3. The company delivers 4.8 million shipments worldwide every day.
4. The annual turnover in 2017 was EUR 6.8 billion.
Added: Marta
5. DPD was previously known as Deutscher Paketdienst.
Added: LM
6. In Poland, DPD’s headquarters are located in Warsaw.
Added: LM
7. DPD Polska previously operated under the name of Masterlink Express.
Added: Nadia
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DPD questions and answers
What does DPD stand for?
It is short for Dynamic Parcel Distribution.
Answer: Marta
What does the letter W at the end of the tracking number mean?
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What does LDZ stand for?
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