DJ Tiesto – Dutch DJ and music producer.

Years of activity: since 1985.

His real name is Tijs Michiel Verwest.

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DJ Tiesto questions and answers

Where and when was DJ Tiesto born?

DJ Tiesto was born on January 17, 1969 in the city of Breda (the Netherlands).

Answer: Marta

How old is DJ Tiesto?

DJ Tiesto is 50 years old (May 2019).

Answer: Marta

How tall is DJ Tiesto?

DJ Tiesto is about 188 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac is DJ Tiesto?


Answer: Marta

What instruments can he play?

On keyboard instruments.

Answer: Marta

What is it called?

Tiësto, TST, Allure, Steve Forte Rio, DJ Tiësto, Da Joker, Drumfire, Stray Dog, Tom Ace, Wild Bunch.

Answer: Marta

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