It is a metabolic disease, where people have elevated blood glucose levels.
November 14 is World Diabetes Day.
June 27 is World Diabetes Day.
Diabetes mellitus interesting facts
1. Over 30% of patients do not know about it.
2. Type 2 diabetes often does not show any symptoms.
3. Most people with diabetes are in Asia.
4. Diabetes occurring during pregnancy often disappears after childbirth.
5. Work is underway to create a pancreas for transplantation in a 3D hipodulator that could cure type 1 diabetic patients.
6. The first patients can receive a new pancreas as early as 2021.
7. Diabetes is the first non-communicable disease considered an epidemic of the 21st century.
8. Annually, the number of diabetics increases by over 2%.
9. Annually, over 13% of the healthcare budget is spent on diabetes treatment in Poland.
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What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Weight loss, excessive wetting or increased thirst.
Answer: Paulina
How to treat diabetes?
You need a diet and medicines.
Answer: Paulina
Why is World Diabetes Day celebrated on November 14?
This is the anniversary of the birth of insulin explorer Frederick Banting.
Answer: Marta
How many people in Poland have diabetes?
Nearly 4 million people.
Answer: Marta
How much can a lifestyle change reduce the risk of diabetes?
It is estimated that a healthy diet and exercise can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 70%.
Answer: Marta
What is the most common cause of diabetes?
What is the most common cause of diabetes?
Answer: Marta
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