Celiac disease is a genetic, immunological disease for a lifetime.

With this disease there is intolerance to gluten, a spare protein contained in cereals.

Coeliac disease interesting facts

1. Celiac disease is not allergy.

2. The only remedy is a non-gluten diet.

3. Celiac disease can be seen in any sack.

4. It is estimated that 5% of Poles struggle with this disease.

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How to diagnose celiac disease?

Blood tests should be performed against smooth muscle endomysium (EmA), against tissue transglutaminase (tTG), against deamidated gliadin (DGP).

Answer: Paulina

What are the celiac disease?

The main symptoms are anorexia, diarrhea, enlarged abdominal girth, deficiencies of iron, protein and folic acid.

Answer: Paulina

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