Chełm is a city with poviat rights in the Lublin Province.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 07′56 ″ N 23 ° 28′40 ″ E

Chełm interesting facts

1. The lowest point in Chełm is 180 m above sea level. The highest one, on the other hand, rises to 220 m above sea level.

Added: Maron

2. In 2018, Chełm was inhabited by about 3 times more inhabitants than in 1900.

Added: HistEryk

3. The city’s inhabitants are close to the border with Belarus (about 42 km) and Ukraine (about 26 km).

4. The highest building is the provincial hospital with 8 floors.

5. Only 2 buildings are over 5 floors.

6. The main river is Uherka.

Added: Rebba

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Chełm questions and answers

When was Chełm founded? Since when does it have city rights?

Chełm was founded in the 10th century. It has had city rights since 1392.

Answer: Maron

What registration plates do the vehicles registered in Chełm have?

The number on the license plates starts with LC.

Answer: Maron

How does the postal code in Chełm start?

The zip code starts with 22-1xx.

Answer: Maron

What is the area code?

Chełm has the area code (+48) 82.

Answer: Maron

How has the number of inhabitants in Chełm changed over the years?

– 1950 – 20 550 inhabitants,
– 1960 – 31 108 inhabitants,
– 1970 – 39 135 inhabitants,
– 2000 – 70 759 inhabitants,
– 2007 – 67 782 inhabitants,
– 2018 – 63 330

Answer: Maron

What is the area of Chełm?

Chełm has an area of ​​35.28 km².

Answer: Maron

How many people live in Chełm?

At the beginning of 2018, about 63,330 people lived in Chełm.

Answer: Maron

What is the population density in Chełm?

The population density in Chełm is 1795 people per km².

Answer: Maron

What is the largest river in Chełm?

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What is worth seeing in Chełm?

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Why aren’t tall buildings built in Chełm?

Building taller buildings is dangerous due to the thick layer of chalk ground.

Answer: Rebba

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