Casanova Giacomo – traveler, adventurer and writer.

His name has become synonymous with seduction in many languages.

Casanova Giacomo interesting facts

1. Casanova Giacomo was born 294 years ago. He died 221 years ago (data: May 2019).

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Casanova Giacomo questions and answers

Where and when was Casanova Giacomo born?

Casanova Giacomo was born on April 2, 1725 in the city of Venice (Italy).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Casanova Giacomo live?

Casanova Giacomo lived to be 73 years old.

Answer: Marta

How tall was Casanova Giacomo?

Casanova Giacomo was about 187 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

Which Zodiac sign was Casanova Giacomo from?


Answer: Marta

Where and when did Casanova Giacomo die?

Casanova Giacomo died on June 4, 1798 in the city of Duchcov (Czech Republic).

Answer: Marta

What was the cause of his death?

Urinary tract infection.

Answer: Marta

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