Butterflies are one of the most colorful and beautiful insects.

They belong to the subgroup of winged insects, closely related to the beetles.

Butterflies are otherwise called scales.

Butterfly interesting facts

1. Only beetles constitute a larger group of insects than butterflies.

2. There are over 150,000 species of butterflies in the world (around 3,000 in Poland).

3. Butterflies are often divided according to their appearance, lifestyle (day and night) and size. It is not a method that corresponds to their real relationship, but it helps with recognition.

4. Some pendulous butterflies have suction cups that are longer than their body.

5. The flying dove moth is the fastest to hit with its wings – 5000 times a minute. Of the daytime butterflies, the best result is achieved by the queen size – 300 beats per minute.

6. Ornithoptera alexandrae is a group of the largest butterflies found in the tropical and subtropical zones. Their wingspan often exceeds 28 cm and their body weight is 25 g.

7. The largest butterfly that can be found in Europe is the corpse’s head twilight (the name comes from the characteristic skull-like pattern on the body). Its wingspan is up to 14 cm and its weight is up to 10 g.

8. A rare species of Thysania agrippina moth with a wingspan of 30.8 cm was discovered in Brazil.

9. The atlas peahen moth has the largest wing area of ​​all known butterflies (by 400 cm²).

10. The smallest moth of the Nepticulidae family has a wingspan of about 2 mm.

11. Butterflies see colors that humans cannot perceive.

Added: Mati

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Butterfly questions and answers

Where are the butterflies?

Butterflies can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

Answer: Mati

What parts is the body of a butterfly made of?

From the head, torso and abdomen.

Answer: Mati

How many eyes do butterflies have?

Butterflies have a pair of eyes composed of smaller meshes.

Answer: Mati

What do butterflies eat?

Most butterflies feed on the nectar of flowers.

Answer: Mati

How fast can butterflies fly?

The fastest butterflies can reach speeds of up to 55 km / h.

Answer: Mati

A moth is a butterfly?

Yes, moths are a group of butterflies that run mostly night mode.

Answer: Mati

What are the stages of a butterfly’s life?

The butterfly life cycle can be divided into 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult butterfly.

Answer: Mati

How many butterflies live?

Life expectancy varies by species. Some live for a very short time (1 day) and others for more than six months.

Answer: Mati

How many wings does a butterfly have?

The butterfly has 4 wings.

Answer: Mati

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