Bones are organs made of many different tissues that make up the skeletal system.
Bones interesting facts
1. An adult human has 206 bones. Interestingly, after birth, he has over 270 of them. Many of them heal with age.
2. In prehistoric times, animal bones were used to make tools.
3. There are 54 bones in a human hand alone.
4. The hardest human bone is the femur.
5. The most frequently broken bone in adults is the humerus, and in children the collarbone.
Added: Doktorek
6. Man has only one bone that is not connected to any other. It is the hyoid bone at the base of the tongue.
7. Bones produce red and white blood cells.
Added: Doktorek
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Bones questions and answers
What is the science of bones called?
It is an osteology.
Answer: Doktorek
What tissues are bones made of?
Bones mainly consist of bone, fat, cartilage and hematopoietic tissue.
Answer: Doktorek
How many bones does a person have?
An adult person has 206 bones.
Answer: Doktorek
Which man has the largest bone?
The femur is the largest.
Answer: Doktorek
What kind of person has the smallest bone?
The smallest is the stirrup located in the middle ear.
Answer: Doktorek
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