Bob Dylan – American singer, composer, songwriter, writer, poet, actor, screenwriter.

Years of activity: since 1959.

His real name is Robert Allen Zimmerman.

Bob Dylan interesting facts

1. 2016 Nobel Laureate in Literature.

Added: Zenon

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Bob Dylan questions and answers

Where and when was Bob Dylan born?

Bob Dylan was born on May 24, 1941 in the city of Duluth, Minnesota (United States).

Answer: Marta

How old is Bob Dylan?

Bob Dylan is 77 years old (May 2019).

Answer: Marta

How tall is Bob Dylan?

Bob Dylan is about 171 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac is Bob Dylan from?


Answer: Marta

What was he called?

Elston Gunnn, Blind Boy Grunt, Lucky Wilbury, Boo Wilbury, Elmer Johnson, Sergei Petrov, Jack Frost, Tedham Porterhouse, Jack Fate, Willow Scarlet, Robert Milkwood Thomas.

Answer: Marta

What instruments can he play?

Classical guitar, bass guitar, harmonica, keyboard, accordion and drums.

Answer: Marta

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