Białystok is a city with poviat rights in the Podlaskie Voivodeship.
Geographic coordinates: 53 ° 08′07 ″ N 23 ° 08′44 ″ E
Białystok interesting facts
1. The lowest point in Białystok is located at 120 m above sea level. The highest one, on the other hand, rises to 160 m above sea level.
Added: Maron
2. In 2018, Białystok was inhabited by about 4.5 times more inhabitants than in 1900.
Added: HistEryk
3. Bialystok is inhabited by many people from Belarus, Lithuania and Russia.
4. It is one of the coldest cities in Poland.
5. Over 30% of the city is covered by parks, squares and forests (2 nature reserves: Zwierzyniecki Forest and Antoniuk Reserve).
Added: LM
6. From 1895 to 1915 there were trams in this city.
Added: Motorniczy
7. On January 17, 2019, the complex of the Church of Christ the King and St. Rocha was entered on the list of historical monuments.
Added: Asia
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Białystok questions and answers
When was Białystok founded? Since when does it have city rights?
Białystok was founded around 1440. It has had city rights since July 27, 1691.
Answer: Maron
What registration plates do vehicles registered in Białystok have?
The number on the license plates starts with BI.
Answer: Maron
How does a zip code start in Białystok?
The zip code starts with 15-XXX.
Answer: Maron
What is the area code?
Białystok has the area code (+48) 85.
Answer: Maron
How has the number of inhabitants in Białystok changed over the years?
– 1900 – 66,000 inhabitants,
– 1950 – 68,503 inhabitants,
– 1960 – 120,921 inhabitants,
– 1970 – 168,500 inhabitants,
– 2,000 – 285,000 inhabitants,
– 2007 – 294,143 inhabitants,
– 2018 – 297 428
Answer: Maron
What is the area of Białystok?
Białystok has 102.13 km².
Answer: Maron
How many people live in Białystok?
Na początku 2018 roku w Białymstoku mieszkało około 297 280 osób.
Answer: Maron
What is the population density in Białystok?
The population density in Białystok is 2,911 people per km².
Answer: Maron
What is the largest river in Białystok?
waiting for reply …
What is worth seeing in Białystok?
waiting for reply …
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