Benito Mussolini – Italian politician and journalist. The main founder and leader of the fascist movement.

In the years 1922-1943 the Prime Minister of Italy.

His full name is Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini.

Benito Mussolini interesting facts

1. Benito Mussolini was born 136 years ago. He died 74 years ago (data: May 2019).

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Benito Mussolini questions and answers

Where and when was Benito Mussolini born?

Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883 in the city of Predappio (Italy).

Answer: Marta

Where and when did Benito Mussolini die?

Benito Mussolini died on April 28, 1945 in the city of Azzano (Italy).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Benito Mussolini live?

Benito Mussolini lived to be 61 years old.

Answer: Marta

How tall was Benito Mussolini?

Benito Mussolini was about 169 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac was Benito Mussolini under?


Answer: Marta

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