Polityka, born on April 15, 1963 in Oświęcim. The maiden name of the Prime Minister is Kusińska.
Beata Szydło holds a doctorate which she obtained in 1995 at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the Jagiellonian University.
Beata Szydło interesting facts
1. Since 2010, Beata Szydło has been the vice-president of Law and Justice.
2. Since 2015, Beata Szydło has been the prime minister of Poland.
3. From 1998 to 2005, she was the mayor of Brzeszcze.
4. Beata Szydło headed the election staff of Andrzej Duda’s candidate in 2015, thanks to which he won the elections.
5. She was awarded the title of the “Man of the Year” at the Economic Forum in Krynica in 2017.
Added: Paulina
6. Beata Szydło’s father was a miner, while her mother worked in social services.
7. Member of the Sejm of the 5th, 6th and 7th terms of office.
8. In 2004, Szydło was trained in the USA as part of the IVLP (School for Leaders) program of the Department of State – it is worth noting that a large number of graduates of these training courses hold high positions in the country, i.e. presidents or prime ministers, e.g. Aleksander Kwasniewski or Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, who also trained in the USA.
9. Before joining PiS, Beata Szydło applied for admission to the PO.
Added: Paulina
10. Beata Szydło was born 56 years ago (data: May 2019).
Added: Stats
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Beata Szydło questions and answers
Where does Beata Szydło live?
Beata Szydło lives in Przecieszyn, in the Brzeszcze commune.
Answer: Paulina
Who is Beata Szydło’s husband?
Beata Szydło’s husband – Edward Szydło is a historian by education, he works as an employee of the School and Education Center in Oświęcim and director of the Social School of Management and Trade in Oświęcim. They have been married since 1987.
Answer: Paulina
Does Beata Szydło have children?
Beata Szydło has two sons, Tymoteusz and Błażej.
Answer: Paulina
Who are the sons of Beata Szydło?
Tymoteusz Szydło is a priest, while the younger son of Beata Szydło-Błażej is studying to be a doctor in Krakow.
Answer: Paulina
How tall is Beata Szydło?
waiting for reply …
Which sign of the Zodiac is Beata Szydło from?
Answer: Marta
Where and when was Beata Szydło born?
Beata Szydło was born on April 15, 1963 in the city of Oświęcim (Poland).
Answer: Marta
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