Astrid Lindgren – Swedish author of children’s literature.

Her most famous books are “The Children of Bullerbyn”, “Pippi Longstocking” and the trilogy about Karlsson from the roof.

The full name is Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren.

Astrid Lindgren interesting facts

1. Astrid Lindgren was born 111 years ago. She died 17 years ago (data: May 2019).

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Astrid Lindgren questions and answers

Where and when was Astrid Lindgren born?

Astrid Lindgren was born on November 14, 1907 in the city of Vimmerby (Sweden).

Answer: Marta

Where and when did Astrid Lindgren die?

Astrid Lindgren died on January 28, 2002 in the city of Stockholm (Sweden).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Astrid Lindgren live?

Astrid Lindgren lived 94 years.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac was Astrid Lindgren from?


Answer: Marta

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