April Fool’s Day is the “day of jokes” celebrated on April 1st.
It is a day when, according to tradition, we can make fun of other people without fear that they will offend us (within reason, of course). We also need to be vigilant not to fall victim to other people’s jokes.
April Fool’s Day interesting facts
1. This custom probably comes from France in the period when, after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, the New Year was moved from April 1 to January 1 (1564).
2. In many countries, April Fools’ Day jokes can only be made until noon. Telling uncreated things after 12 o’clock is considered frivolous and classless.
3. One of the spies who helped capture Saddam Hussain was nicknamed “April Fool’s Day”.
4. Odessa in Ukraine is the only place in the world where April Fool’s Day is an official city holiday.
5. In Scotland, April Fool’s Day, known as “fool hunting”, lasts 2 days.
6. On April 1, 2008, the BBC broadcast a clip in which they presented penguins flying to warm countries. Other jokes that many people believed were, for example, a recording of a landing UFO or the information about the change of the number Pi value to 3.0 (to facilitate math).
7. Until the 19th century, March 25, Europe celebrated All Jesters’ Day, which also involved making jokes.
8. In the Middle Ages it was believed that on April 1, spirits began to take revenge on the living, bringing misfortunes on them.
9. On April 1, Judas Iscariot was born, and he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. That is why many people associate this day with a lie, a fraud, a falsehood.
Added: Tomasz
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April Fool’s Day questions and answers
What does “April Fool’s Day” mean?
Literally translated, it means “April 1st”.
Answer: Tomasz
Why is April Fool’s Day celebrated on April 1?
It is supposed that this practice goes back to the time of the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, when the New Year was moved from April 1 to January 1. People who did not know about this change became the victims of all sorts of jokes.
Answer: Tomasz
Can you go to court for an April Fool’s joke?
Yes, there have been many cases of someone going overboard “being funny”. An example is a resident of Świnoujście, who in 2020 on April Fool’s Day coughed on a woman and said that he was sick with coronavirus. You have to remember that something that makes us laugh may be perceived completely differently by another person and then you have to take into account the consequences of your actions.
Answer: Magdzia
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