The Amazon website is located at:

Amazon has the world’s largest online store.

Amazon is an American trading company founded in Seattle on July 5, 1994.

The founder is Jeff Bezos.

Amazon interesting facts

1. The first book was sold in July 1995. Its title is: “Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought”.

2. In addition to books, Amazon also sells: DVDs, computer equipment, music, clothing, furniture, electronics and many other things.

Added: Lelek

3. In Poland, the first distribution centers were established in October 2014 in Bielany Wrocławskie and in Sady near Poznań.

4. At the end of 2017, Amazon will open an e-commerce logistics center in Sosnowiec.

5. Amazon employees in Sosnowiec will receive up to 15% discount on purchases of Amazon products, lunch for PLN 1 (0,26 USD), and transport to and from work. The working week is 4 days, 10 hours each. The rate of PLN 15 (4 USD) gross per hour.

Added: Sosna

6. In 2017, 541,900 people worked at Amazon.

Added: Sosna

7. is the largest online bookstore in the world.

8. Amazon is the largest internet company in the world by revenue.

Added: Arturos

9. In September 1997, Amazon applied for the “1-Click” patent. This breakthrough idea was that if there is customer data in the database, his credit card number, the purchase is made with one click.

10. The 1-Click patent is valued at $ 2.4 billion.

11. On September 12, 2017, the patent “1-Click” expired after 20 years.

Added: LM

12. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos became the richest man in the world in 2017. His fortune was estimated at $ 109 billion.

13. Jeff Bezos earned around 1 000 USD per second in 2017.

14. is visited monthly by over 130 million people from all over the world.

Added: Reni

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Amazon questions and answers

Where did the name Amazon come from?

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