Alfredo Di Stefano is an Argentine footballer who plays as a midfielder.
His full name is Alfredo Stéfano Di Stéfano Laulhé.
He ended his football career on July 1, 1984.
Alfredo Di Stefano was born 92 years ago. He died 4 years ago (data: May 2019).
Alfredo Di Stefano interesting facts
2. Alfredo Di Stefano played 41 matches (29 goals) in the senior national team.
Added: Kibic
3. He has played 6 games for Argentina, 4 Colombia and 31 Spain.
Added: LM
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Alfredo Di Stefano questions and answers
Where and when was Alfredo Di Stefano born?
Alfredo Di Stefano was born on July 4, 1926 in the city of Barracas, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Answer: Marta
Where and when did Alfredo Di Stefano die?
Alfredo Di Stefano died on July 7, 2014 in the city of Madrid (Spain).
Answer: Marta
How many years did Alfredo Di Stefano live?
Alfredo Di Stefano lived from the age of 88.
Answer: Marta
How tall was Alfredo Di Stefano?
Alfredo Di Stefano was about 178 cm tall.
Answer: Marta
What sign of the Zodiac was Alfredo Di Stefano from?
Answer: Marta
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