fot. marcen27 z Glasgow, UK / (CC BY-SA 2.)

Adele – British singer and songwriter.

Years of activity: since 2006.

Her full name is Adele Laurie Blue Adkins.

Adele interesting facts

1. In 2011, she underwent throat surgery. The reason was smoking for many years. She gave up a fatal addiction in 2015.

2. For 23 weeks her album “21” was at the top of the US charts.

3. As a child, her favorite band was the Spice Girls.

4. He has a dog (dachshund) named Louis Armstrong.

5. It owes its success to the MySpace platform.

6. She is the first singer in history to reach the top of the HOT 100 in the US with three more singles.

7. Despite her enormous fame, she has panic attacks caused by stage fright all the time before performances.

8. She read her last book when she was 6 years old.

9. Has 5 tattoos.

10. Adele is afraid to fly airplanes.

Added: Marta

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Adele questions and answers

Where and when was Adele born?

Adele was born on May 5, 1988 in the city of Tottenham, London (UK).

Answer: Marta

How old is Adele?

Adele is 31 years old (May 2019).

Answer: Marta

How tall is Adele?

Adele is about 175 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac is Adele from?


Answer: Marta

What instruments can he play?

He can play guitar, piano, bass guitar, drums, keyboard, celesta.

Answer: Marta

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