Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.

He took office on March 4, 1861.

Abraham Lincoln interesting facts

1. Abraham Lincoln was born 210 years ago. He died 154 years ago (data: May 2019).

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2. Abraham Lincoln was killed by a shot to the head by a Shakespearean actor in a Ford Theater box.

Added: Marta

3. He was 52 when he became president. His term of office was 4 years.

Added: Marta

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Abraham Lincoln questions and answers

Where and when was Abraham Lincoln born?

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in the city of Hodgenville, Kentucky (United States).

Answer: Marta

How many years did Abraham Lincoln live?

Abraham Lincoln lived from the age of 56.

Answer: Marta

How tall was Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was about 193 cm tall.

Answer: Marta

What sign of the Zodiac was Abraham Lincoln under?


Answer: Marta

Where and when did Abraham Lincoln die?

Abraham Lincoln died on April 15, 1865 in the city of Washington (United States).

Answer: Marta

How did Abraham Lincoln die?

He died in an attempt by John Wilkes Booth.

Answer: Marta

How many children did Abraham Lincoln have?

He had 4 sons: Robert, Tad, William and Edward.

Answer: Marta

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